it's interesting how, perceiving a future absence of something causes anxiety -- a feeling of loss in advance of the actual loss. such it is now, in what should be "those lean sweet desperate hours" just before enormous change that, planning to again trek westward, i somehow miss the colonial brick structures and substantial weather of the east. of course, perception is everything. (maybe it's not "interesting," but simply reveals a seemingly illogical emotional response -- but then emotion defies logic. "if you miss x, don't leave x.") the value of x is then derived only by the threat of absence of x. ridiculous. chase your tail, dog. mongrel. "carnival dogs."
time, perspective allow for a 360-degree image (or the most fully-formed image we'll ever generate) of where we are at any given place in time. deconstructing the idea, intriguing to me as it is, is a waste of time. i believe we all occupy a super-position in the manner of the physics term, borrowed by alan moore. that is, per moore: "It ["we" in my analogy] holds meaning and shape, but no solution. Quantum uncertainty, unable to determine both a particle's location and its nature necessitates that we map every possible state of the particle. Its super-position."
too much time on my hands -- "idle hands are the devil's tools!" i best exit and return to various duties of sloth (satan? belial? will we find cocytus together?), although the time to do practical things approaches inexorably.
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