

con·se·quence (kŏn'sĭ-kwěns', -kwəns)

  1. Something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition. See Synonyms at effect.
  2. The relation of a result to its cause.
  3. A logical conclusion or inference.
e·mo·tion [i-moh-shuhn]
1.an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness.

these are 2 words people of this planet need to understand. for the most part, a consequence is something many people do not understand. if someone does something, positive or negative, there is always a consequence or effect. action/reaction. many people believe that they can walk around this planet and do as they please with no consequences. that is where emotion comes to play. if the person is confronted about there actions, then there is always a emotional response. its not logical. its emotional. better yet, EXCUSES! explaining a consequence is not
a personal attack. it is a explanation of action and its immediate reaction. its not easy to hear. i get my feathers flustered when this occurs. be present. deal with the situation at hand. look at the situation and flip it. its knowing that it is going to improve your life. this in turn will make interacting with people more reasonable.

i could go on and on about this, but i believe you get the point!

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