
no name

i believe i will rename the site today. not sure about outburst. will think hard about it. no name. want to create a concept to help the bottom line. what do people need that i have, that will change there lives?? i have spent many a bart ride asking the question. keeping driving for an answer. his week i will create a new dream board. there are more things i need in my life. not material things. things that will help change/shape my life. always seems people want more. the market knows this. last night watching tv, there were so many ads for cell phones. every commercial break had a cell phone ad. why? companies know people want new. why? what is wrong with the one in your hand?? its not broken. its still works. its that the one in your hand is old news. its became old when you bought it. another one replaced it immediately. i am in retail, so its funny to figure this out. i want to sell something to people that will change there lives. nothing material that will become junk or old news yesterday.

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