
forcast for

there is always something to be said. yesterday was good. accomplished many things. the only thing i did not do was practice. i want at least an hour today. gotta make that happen. thinking of yoga. maybe tomorrow. it was nice to work the morning shift rather than the night. mornings are my place. my back is getting to me. on concrete all day is doing it. somehow i have to improve my footwear to make things better! ahhh, the old man in me....my back hurts, my legs ache, i'm only 4! what movie?? gotta get after it. a very good friend is in town. will see him on wednesday. staying the night with us. will be good to hang out with a old friend who gets me. he surprised me in the store sunday. it was awesome! everything else stopped. a good feeling to be with a close friend, even for a moment. made my day! i am grateful for all my friends. they are my family! over & out

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