
shadows by the moon

as i woke this morning i walked out of my bedroom and noticed a shadow by the moon, casting through the window on to the counter and floor. unusual because of all the bad weather. no chance to get rays from the sun or moon! speaking of the sun, i need to get some rays. will help nurture my soul. hopefully on my days off, the days will be bright.

i(we are) am out here on the west coast doing it! its not easy, but i am doing it. just the other day i was chatting with the wife and she mentioned the greatness of california. if it only took us 4 months to get plugged in, then in a very short time things are really going to happen. what a great comment. in a few short months, our family has seen some major change and we have embraced it with our souls, knowing it will be for the better! more great things will happen and we are prepared. its only a matter of time before we get everything we want.....

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