

back on my old turf. feels really relaxing and safe. walking the streets. seeing people i have not seen or heard from in 4 months. its nice. i miss it & i cannot wait to get back to my new home. i know that is a contradiction, but its true. good to be here, but ready to get back to it in california.

skied my ass off yesterday! over the head face shots in some areas. really sweet!

i sit here on a guest bed watching football. not the norm for me. i am relaxed. how am i doing this? its what i need to recharge.

so i just had a confrontation as a house guest. ex husband of woman that we are staying with just got back from his ski day. asked if the game was on. he asked, "mind if i join you?" i answered, i would much rather watch the game by myself. he answered "...oh.. thanks." this is a guy i do not like and would note enjoy having hour long conversations about himself and his problems. that would ruin my day. its right to speak your mind and what you want! super important. its also another way this guy feels he can get his ex wife back. trying to pry his way in. that would be similar to prying yourself in to a safe with a toothpick... not going to happen!

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