
le i don't know

inside of my head i am reminded of one of my all time favorite cartoon characters. pepe le pew. some of the best one liners were created from this god among skunks. "i am still looking for you...." "hello baby." "Quelle est - Le belle femme skunk fatale." why does this make any sense at all? started with the expression le and this is where i have ended up. le. its an abbreviation. really. now i am just talking to myself. don't you get it yet?

i will get after it today! what else do i have today. hopefully i will be stress free today. i have a feeling i will be able to coax my way through today. in the middle of all of this, i have come to the conclusion i am unable to box my stress. in this case i will be aware of its presence. look at. crush it! move forward...thats the plan.

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