
where to go this morning

there is so much and so little to say. my brain is flat, but full of information. i just turned the tv off. got sucked in. i never turn the tv on during this writing. for that reason. disturbs the flow. totally zoned out! its my friday. off at 3. home. hang with the family. jam tonight at 7. remember structure. gotta firm up with the guys on song structure for more feel and less ongoing never ending jams. just sitting here staring in to nothing. its good to let your mind run off to nowhere. i will give myself a few more minutes and get outta here. one quick note about public transportation. interesting that every morning i see the same people. sit in the same car. we look at one another and look away. the repetition. creatures of habit. walk the same route. why not say hello to a fellow passenger that you see everyday. i see the same person everyday walking in the city as i walked to work. told myself i would start saying hello. make a change. be different. stopped seeing that person. makes you wonder. where do they go?? the things we remember, who we remember. the people we see and never converse with. just the nod. eye contact and then back to focus on our own webs. its time.

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