
content & prosperity

yesterday was a day i had to dig deep. 5 hours of sleep did me well in the end. work balanced itself out. not sure how it happened, but things have become lighter. it shows in the employees & there actions. i was able to leave on time. got home. stretched to get some of the kinks out. got little d. dishes. laundry. dinner. and then. an unbelievable jam. best part of my day! an hour jamming with lead s. bass player d arrived shortly after improving his chops on the drums. short funk jam turned in to moving to the main hall where we in sighted a coup. wrangled another guitarist and went for it! amazing jam and i was totally in the zone! nice to play with a new person. better to gel with my com padres. we are really coming together.

in 3 minutes i must go. observation yesterday. leadership is everything. it inspires and destroys negative vibes. incredible potential. there are times when you must come down hard, but there are times when it can be flipped and used for the better. its all about the delivery...

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